What are Salaries for English Teachers in Latin America?
Learn how much money you can make and what salary you can earn teaching English in Latin America.
Written By: Jeff Penick | Updated: June 29, 2023
Written By: Jeff Penick
Updated: June 29, 2023

Salaries for English teachers in Latin America will vary from country to country mostly depending on the cost of living in the given country. With that said, as a general rule of thumb for the region, English teachers should expect to earn a salary large enough to live a middle-class lifestyle by local standards.
Let's dive into the details.
How Much Do English Teachers Make in Latin America?
Most foreign English teachers in Latin America can expect to earn from $500 to $1,300 USD per month depending on the country. With that salary, you will live a comfortable lifestyle while breaking even financially.
This means that you will typically make enough money to cover your expenses (rent, transportation, food, phone, utilities, etc) and to enjoy going out and traveling on weekends, but you shouldn't expect to save substantial sums after expenses.
Benefits & Expenses when Teaching English in Latin America
Here's a brief financial summary broken down by country for living and teaching English in Latin America:
COUNTRY | Average Monthly Salary in $ USD & Local Currency | Average Monthly Cost of Living in $ USD & Local Currency |
Argentina | $600 - 1100 USD (23,500 - 43,000 ARS) | $800 - 1200 USD (31,200 - 47,000 ARS) |
Bolivia | $500 - 900 USD (3,500 - 6,200BOB) | $500 - 700 USD (3,500 - 4,900 BOB) |
Brazil | $800 - 1,300 USD (3,000 - 4,800 BRL) | $800 - 1,300 USD (3,000 - 4,800 BRL) |
Chile | $750 - 1,000 USD (490,000 - 650,000 CLP) | $650 - 1,000 USD (425,000 - 650,000 CLP) |
Colombia | $500 - 1,050 USD (1,550,000 - 3,250,000 COP) | $500 - 1,050 USD (1,550,000 - 3,250,000 COP) |
Costa Rica | $700 - 900 USD (430,000 - 550,000 CRC) | $700 - 900 USD (397,000 - 510,000 CRC) |
Dominican Republic | $500 - $800 USD (24,700 - 40,000 DOP) | $500 - $800 USD (24,700 - 40,000 DOP) |
Ecuador | $500 - 800 USD | $500 - 800 USD |
Guatemala | $500 - $600 USD (3,700 - 4,400 GTQ) | $500 - $600 USD (3,700 - 4,400 GTQ) |
Honduras | $500 - $800 (11,800 - 18,900 HNL) | $400 - $600 (9,450 - 14,200 HNL |
Mexico | $500 - 800 USD (9,300 - 15,000 MXN) | $500 - 800 USD (9,300 - 15,000 MXN) |
Nicaragua | $300 - 600 USD (9,400 - 18,800 NIO) | $300 - 600 USD (9,400 - 18,800 NIO) |
Panama | $900 - 1,300 USD | $900 - 1,300 USD |
Peru | $500 - 1,000 USD (1,650 - 3,300 PEN) | $500 - 1,000 USD (1,650 - 3,300 PEN) |
Uruguay | $900 - 1,300 USD (30,100 - 42,000 UYU) | $900 - 1,300 USD (30,100 - 42,000 UYU) |
English Teaching Salaries & Living Costs in Latin America
Let's compare "apples to apples". Looking at the chart above, you may see that English teachers in Peru or Mexico may only make the equivalent of $600 or $900 and think, "man, how can anybody support themselves on that?"
The cost of living is substantially lower in most Latin American countries compared to native English-speaking countries like the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK. Even though your salary will tend to be lower, you will still enjoy a good standard of living. Also, any hard currency (dollars, euros, etc.) that you bring with you will have strong purchasing power in most Latin American countries and will "go farther." This means that your start-up costs & travel will often be much cheaper.
Consider the following example of some basic living costs for ITA graduates teaching English in some popular Latin American countries:
- Monthly rent for 1-2 bedroom apartment in Nicaragua typically costs $75 - $150 or in Costa Rica, $200-$300. In a desirable neighborhood in Chicago or San Francisco, you will probably have a hard time finding a small studio for less than $1000.
- Bogota, Colombia - Teaching English through the Fulbright Program in the Colombian capital of Bogota, ITA grad Cailey Oehler pays the equivalent of $135 USD in monthly rent, $15 USD for her phone (with a good data plan) & local buses are under 75 cents a ride.
- Cuenca, Ecuador - ITA grad Lindsey Ingwersen says that in the historic mountain city of Cuenca, you can eat a 3-course lunch for $2.50, monthly rent is $150-$250 USD and you can ride the local bus for the equivalent of 25 cents.
If you’re looking to help boost your income a bit while teaching English in Latin America, one option is to private tutor on the side.
Another great option to earn extra money that is becoming more and more popular for our alumni every year is teaching English online. Many ITA grads are making $12-$18 (or even more) an hour teaching English by Skype and video conference to students as far away as China & the Middle East.
Read further:Posted In: Teach English in Latin America, Money & Finances
Jeff Penick
Prior to joining ITA in 2011, Jeff spent two years teaching English in Seoul, South Korea. He used the money he saved while teaching in Korea to fund a year of travel in Asia and South America. Jeff has more than 10 years of professional experience in the fields of TEFL & teaching English abroad. As a senior team member, he has published numerous articles about all facets of teaching abroad and he has personally helped hundreds of ITA grads achieve their goals of teaching English overseas.
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