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What Is The Preferred Practicum List?

Great question! Our Preferred Practicum List is a list of ESL organizations who are interested in having International TEFL Academy students volunteer with them.

Our TEFL students are seeking ESL organizations where they can observe ESL teachers, tutor ESL students or student teach an ESL class. If you allow one or more of these types of practicum, we would love to add you to our list!

Read more: Practicum Locations In The USA

Read more: Online Practicum Locations

Read more: International Practicum Locations

You are not required to take on all students who contact you but if you are listed as a Preferred Practicum Location it should be because you are often looking for or are open to having additional volunteers.

If you are looking for more information on who International TEFL Academy (ITA) is and what we do please check out our About page and our Accreditation page.

Fill out the form below to be considered for our Preferred Practicum list.

Fill out my online form.